1) Loric Box/ Adam Rubel ($40, pair of Plastic Hats thanks to Sonny) 2) Matt Valencia/ Matt Gordon ($30) 3) Jeff Poole/ Tony Schimkus 4) Ricardo Sanchez/ Doug Williams 5) Larry Cornwell/ Desi Vigil 5) Kameron Cheney 7) Shane/ Sonny 7) Brian/ Eddie 9) Harris/ Eesah 9) Paul Sanchez/ Manny Padilla
Good News! We'll be able to host an event every month, until the sun shines again and the sand warms up. Here's some info on the next event:
DATE: Sunday, December 10th
TIME: 8:00 AM check in; 8:30 Start (If we overbook, be ready for an earlier start)
Where: Charlie's Sandbox (behind Stoneface in Albuquerque)
Contact: ADAM RUBEL: nmsvbteam[at]gmail[dot]com
What: Doubles tournament.
Limit: 12 teams (sign up soon, had a waiting list for last event)
Format: SHORT pool play, followed by double elim tournament (Modern size court, antenna's, rally score, 21st century volleyball - yellow & white, AVP style rules)
Cost: $10/ Player
Prizes: Some, whatever is left after paying for the facility, could be half of what is collected. Had some Plastic hats generously thrown into the pot by Sonny last weekend.
Why: Because it is friggin Beach Volleyball in the winter in New Mexico - why else?
1) Matt Valencia/ Rob Pierce
2) Ricardo Sanchez/ Tony Perrea
3) Harris Zeyaee/ Eesah
4) Jeff Poole/ Desi Vigil
5) Larry Cornwell/ Tony Schimkus
6) Shane Murdie/ Adrian Reeves
7) Steve Stansel/ Steve Seal
8) Fred Ader/ Lopaka
9) Brian/ Eddie
1) Sonny Marquez
2) Manny Padilla
3) Russell Grey
4) Adam Rubel
5) Daniel